Very rare and with a most attractive dynastic reverse
Los 1808
Gratian, 367-383. Solidus (Gold, 21 mm, 4.44 g, 5 h), Antiochia, February-March 368. D N GRATIA-NVS P F AVG Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Gratian to right. Rev. S-PE-S R-P / ANTI+ Valentinian I and Valens, crowned, seated facing on double-throne, each holding scepter and globe; between them, small togate figure of Gratian standing facing; above, shield inscribed VOT / V / MVL / X. Depeyrot 32/5. RIC 20g. Very rare. A splendid coin with a most attractive dynastic reverse. Good extremely fine.

From the collection of a retired senior air force officer, ex Rauch 90, 4 June 2012, 991 and Varesi 43, 27 April 2004, 56.

This beautiful dynastic reverse was struck in February-March 368 on the occasion of Valens' quinquennalia: it shows us the two brotherly senior Augusti, Valentinian I and Valens, with a shield inscribed VOT / V / MVL / X between them. Below the shield stands the eight-year-old Gratian, Valentinian's son, as a small togatus, and is presented to the beholder as the 'hope of the republic' (SPES R P = spes rei publicae).
2000 CHF
1600 CHF
3800 CHF
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